


Small white chair

Kibanja CONSENT(Kanzu)

Acquiring a kibanja on Kabaka's landA person can acquire a kibanja on Kabaka's Land either
through purchase, gift, as a beneficiary, direct application to Buganda Land Board as developer and through direct leasing.

For all these acquisitions, it is paramount that the landlord consents to the acquisitions since the law prohibits doing so without the consent of the landlord and such an acquisition is null and void.

How to Obtain consent to sell(Kanzu)

Meeting of minds. (Purchaser and seller)
Contact Buganda Land Board to
Seek consent to sell.
A Kibanja purchase form is picked, filled and taken to BLB representatives i.e Land Relations Officer and Kabaka's Chiefs.
Physical inspection of the kibanja is done.
verification is done.

The person selling must have registered with BLB or else is required to register.
After all specified terms have been met, consent is granted. So, the purchaser or
new tenant submits to Buganda Land Board a copy of the Kibanja Purchase Form to register his/her individual interest.
After fulfilling these requirements, a
client is given a certificate of occupancy/ebbaluwa entongole.

Other types of Consent
Consent to Transfer (legal matter); given to whoever wishes to transfer his interest having
obtained a title or lease offer upon meeting the necessary requirements. Apply to the BLB
Managing Director (MD) in writing.

Consent to Mortgage (legal matter) is given to whoever has a Leasehold Title and wants to pledge it as security to acquire a loan facility.
Apply to the BLB Managing Director (MD) in writing.

Consent to subdivide (physical planning) is given to whoever wants to sub-divide his leasehold interest after meeting necessary requirements. Apply to the BLB Managing Director (MD) in writing.

Consent to Sublease (legal matter) is given to whoever sets out to sublease part of his/her registered interest to another party. Apply to the BLB Managing Director (MD) in writing.

Consent to Sublease a condominium (legal matter) Consent is given to clients with interest
of a condominium. Apply to the BLB Managing Director (MD) in writing.

Consent to develop: If you intend to develop your Kibanja, you need to get approval from
the landlord after presenting your intended development plan.

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